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Image by Anastasiya Romanova

Ecocapture Origin

The business was born from a natural progression from being a environmentally conscious child and being surround by a family that understood the importance of green spaces and being surrounded by nature. As a child my farther planted two tree in his garden from seeds, a horse chestnut and a silver birch as I entered the world these trees were well established and the excitement of collecting the horse chestnuts was over whelming. To this day the grandchildren share the excitement I once had as did my farther.  
My very first job was working in a plant nursery growing, planting and then selling become my passion. I understand looking back now this wasn’t the usual past time for a 14 year old but I believe this hands on approach to nature has stuck with me for a life time.
Whilst starting the business I thought it best to get a professional opinion on why trees are important so I turn to the one person I knew would give me a straight forward and concise answer. This of course came from my 6 year old niece “trees are important as they give us oxygen” “they are also beautiful”. That is enough inspiration for me to create the business.

About: Our Story
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